Young Men of Color
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Success Boston is committed to the success of young men of color in college and beyond.
According to the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education, “young men are less likely to graduate from high school, enroll in college, and complete college than young women. Specifically, lower income males and young men from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups—particularly African American and Latino males—are less likely to graduate from high school and college than their White peers or their female counterparts.” While we know that systemic inequity in our society and education systems produce these gaps, interventions along the pipeline from early education through postsecondary can work to reverse them.
Success Boston coaching organizations and partner colleges and universities offer support, peer groups, and resources to lift up the aspiring young men they serve.
- Organizations such as the Boston PIC offer young men’s and young women’s peer groups for support and community building.
- Inquire with colleges about similar groups (e.g. UMass Boston and Bunker Hill) – which may meet virtually, if not in person, due to COVID-19.
- Halting Oppressive Pathways through Education (HOPE) at Bunker Hill Community College
- 100 Males to College: Brotherhood for College Success (Massachusetts initiative).
- My Brother’s Keeper Boston
- Youth Guidance – Becoming a Man (BAM)
- Coalition of Schools Educating Boys of Color
- Obama Foundation
- Excelencia in Education (national policy organization)
- Schott Foundation and their 50 State Report on Public Education and Black Males