Belden and Pamela Daniels

For Donors

“We’re personally committed to the idea that coaching through college completion—and on into the first job—is the next big step.”

Success Boston Supporters Belden and Pamela Daniels

Since 2009, generous donors have helped make it possible for more than 6,000 Boston Public Schools graduates to receive coaching and support to "get ready, get in, and get through" postsecondary education. Your support can help more BPS grads achieve life-changing goals.

While Boston Public Schools graduates’ college enrollment rates rival the nation’s, at more than 70%, too many students struggle to complete a post-secondary degree, limiting their opportunity to participate and succeed in the workforce. 

Headshot photo of Ayesha Cammaerts cropped to a square ratio

Contact Ayesha Cammaerts, Executive Director of Boston Opportunity Agenda, to learn more about Success Boston and Boston Coaching for Completion.

If Boston is to remain competitive both nationally and internationally, we must ensure that more students who enter college actually graduate. The Success Boston College Completion Initiative aims to do just that.

Through an unprecedented collaboration between the City of Boston, the Boston Public Schools, the Boston Foundation, area nonprofits, and lead area institutions of higher education, Success Boston was launched to transform the college completion rates of Boston Public Schools’ students. The program has helped increase the number of Boston Public Schools graduates earning postsecondary credentials by 77% between the BPS Classes of 2000 and 2011.

In 2014, Success Boston received a grant from the Social Innovation Fund to triple the number of BPS graduates receiving Success Boston coaching and services, beginning with the BPS Class of 2015. Join the Boston Foundation in matching the Social Innovation Fund grant one-to-one, as we scale this groundbreaking coaching model to support the youth of Boston in achieving the skills and degree necessary to enter the workforce poised to excel. 

Success Boston Results


Increase in 2nd year persistence rates for coached students compared with students without coaches


6-Year College Completion Rate for BPS graduates  from the Class of 2011


Increase in the number of Boston Public Schools graduates receiving postsecondary degrees since Success Boston launch